2023 New Year’s Resolutions

Tee: Similar // Pants: Amazon // Water Bottle: Amazon // Bike: Peloton

Friends and Sleevenistas, I can’t believe how quickly the year 2022 flew by, and what a year it was! Heading into 2023, I am thankful for my growth and accomplishments from this past year. At the end of each year, I like to set goals for the upcoming year. I always try to choose attainable goals so that I can set myself up for success! This upcoming year, I have fitness goals, intentions to become the best version of myself, and resolutions to save money and travel more. No matter your 2023 New Year’s resolutions, here are some tools to get you started!

Fitness Resolutions

Fitness goals are always popular New Year’s resolutions, and they can look different for each person. Whether you want to run a marathon this year or be more active, finding ways to hold yourself accountable for those goals is always great. Find a friend with similar goals to keep you accountable or there are also so many great apps to help keep up with your progress.

I hope to stay more active this year by working out at home with my Peloton bike or treadmill because convenience is important to me.  If you don’t have at-home workout equipment, all you need is a yoga mat, some free weights, and booty bands, and you’re set! Cute workout gear can also help with motivation too! Check out my Workout with Sleeves list on my Amazon storefront for some cute workout outfits. Fitness goals can be challenging but your health is essential, and you will never regret being more active!

fitness New Year's resolutions

Self Improvement Resolutions

I always want to be better than I was the year before. There is always room to grow and improve! A motivational book is excellent for lighting a fire within. A budget-related book I am looking forward to reading in 2023 is Get Good With Money by the Budgetnista. When setting financial goals, it’s essential to be specific and set obtainable goals, like paying off debt and building an emergency fund. A budget binder is a great way to get started. Another way to keep yourself accountable in 2023 is by journaling, and this journal is great for goal setting.  A gratitude journal can help you focus on positivity and gratitude, which will greatly improve your outlook on life! We can always be better every day and every year!

self improvement New Year's resolutions

Travel Resolutions

The 2023 New Year’s Resolution I am most excited about is my resolution to travel more! Traveling is one of my passions, and I don’t do it nearly enough. I am planning a few trips this upcoming year, and I can’t wait! I added a list of travel essentials to my Amazon Storefront that will make traveling a breeze. In it, I share my favorite luggage sets, handheld steamers, packing cubes, and more! All are perfect for travel; the more prepared you are for a trip, the smoother it will go. My goal to travel more goes hand in hand with budgeting because it’s vital to ensure you can save up for those trips! Traveling is so freeing, so I am ready to do it more in the New Year!

Travel New Year's resolutions

Setting goals is so important, no matter the time of year. Goals help you grow and give you hope, which is why I love making New Year’s resolutions. I always strive to be the best version of myself, and I hope 2023 is the best year yet! What are your 2023 New Year’s resolutions? What are you doing to ensure your goals are achieved? Let me know in the comments below. I’m so excited to hear about your plans for the New Year!

Thanks so much for reading!

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